happy worms
Creating a positive and sustainable brand that will encourage the healthy habits of worm composting and gardening.

Happy Worms was a concept that I conceived during a visit to this elderly man to purchase composting worms. I tried contacting a few locations on the island to see if they had worms before finding this guy’s backyard business. As a result, I created this fictitious company for composting worms.
Services: Print Design, Typesetting
Software: Procreate, PhotoShop, Illustrator, InDesign, XD, HTML, CSS,
I aim to establish my brand strategy, which includes who the target audience is and what the brand's mission and values are. This will help me in the ideation phase to generate strong concepts for my logo for Happy Worms.
I discovered an interesting fact about composting worms that led to my creative approach for my logo concept. In this phase, I also experimented with different mediums such as paint and digital software to come up with illustrations for the brand.
I brought my concepts into the computer to digitize them. I also worked on developing the final assets for the brand including the colors, typography, illustrations, and textures. Lastly, I revised my designs for all brand collateral.
Final Result
The final outcome was a brand identity that reflects the brand's goal to promote the healthy habits of worm composting and gardening.